Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

28 December 2010

Glucose Tolerance

So I had my glucose tolerance test today, and it went surprisingly well. It made me very tired, but I didn't get nauseaus or dizzy like last time. When I got ready to leave Anika said not to eat a lot of carbs too soon, which was sad since Daddy was cooking spaghetti for lunch. However, she said I could eat it, just not too much too soon, because it might make sense.

Now when I had my glucose screening, we left and had a big bowl of three-cheese chicken penne at Applebee's. I suppose that's why I got to feeling so awful!

Long day! Results on Thursday!

27 December 2010

Glucose Follow-up Tomorrow

So since my glucose screening came back 'high', at 147, I have to return tomorrow for a full glucose tolerance test. I have to fast from midnight until after the test is done. When I get there I'll have to drink a dextrose drink that's supposedly twice as sweet as the one I had to drink for the glucose screening, and then they'll take my blood each hour to see if I'm processing sugar properly.

I'm a little worried, since diabetes runs in my biological family. I hope it comes out well!

25 December 2010

Christmas with the Bump!

Had a wonderful Christmas, even if I was still coughing a bit! It was really sweet because I received a bunch of little things for the baby - a book on pregnancy and caring for children, as well as a blanket and picture frame for baby pictures. I got to see Tonya, and we of course spent a good chunk of time just discussing our pregnancies. I'm 30 weeks today, and she's 15, so she still has a long way to go! Mama tried to get us to compare baby bumps, but she still doesn't have much to compare!

19 December 2010

Another Baby Has Arrived!

So a little while ago my friend Felicia posted the pics of her brand new baby girl on facebook, and she is so adorable! She has a thick head of black hair, and just the most beautiful face!

Everyone seems to be having babies these days! It's an epidemic! However, little baby Alanah just makes me even more excited to meet my little princess. I cannot wait to hold her in my arms instead of my belly!

16 December 2010

Doctor's Verdict and New Ultrasound Pictures

So while we were at the OBGYN having the ultrasound, my mom spoke to the triage nurse about my coughing, mentioning that I had a mild fever. Unfortunately, the doctor on call is in surgery all day, so she said I'd have to go to my primary care physician.

However, Dr. Musselwhite won't see pregnant patients! We got into see Dr. Gregory, who is another doctor in the practice. They did all the normal tests, and I was negative for anything serious, so it was labeled bronchitis and I was sent home with a prescription for amoxicillin. Hope this clears up quickly!

I'm glad it's nothing serious though, not while I'm pregnant!

On a more positive note, as far as we can tell from the ultrasound, my placenta has fixed itself, so although it's very close to the cervix, it's not covering it, and we can all breath a little easier! In addition, we got a very detailed ultrasound of Anna Marie!
29 weeks 5 days

15 December 2010


It's so frustrating not being able to do any of the apartment prep for myself. I thought I might at least get to paint, but mama bought oil-based paint, so I can't. She and Daddy are going to paint the apartment this week, so I'm very excited! Not much longer til we can start getting it all set up.

After this we just have to have the shower door put in, the bathroom door, and the molding for the rest of the apartment!

On another note, mama temporarily forgot I was pregnant today. She commented on how much weight I've gained, and it took her a few minutes of me just staring at her before she remembered there was a baby in there! Definitely a senior moment, but we were both able to laugh at it.

14 December 2010

Definitely Sick!

What started as just an mild cough has now settled in my chest with wracking coughs that bring up a lot of mucus. Cory's been dropping me off at mama's each day while he's at work, and she puts me on the couch by the fireplace with a bowl of chicken soup!

At my appointment yesterday, they said a cough had been going around, but that it shouldn't be anything major. I hope it doesn't get worse, I hate being sick and Anna Marie does not seem to enjoy the constant coughing!

13 December 2010

Glucose Screening

I had my glucose screening test today. I had to go in after fasting and drink a very sweet drink, then wait for an hour and have them draw my blood. I didn't expect to have any problems with it, but it really hit me hard. I was jittery and really tired, but we went afterwards to Applebee's for lunch and I felt fine.

Unfortunately, we stopped at walgreens for my prescriptions, and while we were talking to some of my old coworkers, I got very sick and lightheaded. I nearly threw up my lunch, and I think I would have passed out if mama hadn't gotten me seated. I didn't expect that at all!

I spent the rest of the afternoon resting!

12 December 2010

Breastfeeding Class

So I had my breastfeeding class today. It was really interesting! Apparently breastfeeding burns 500-1,000 calories a day! I suppose that's why breastfeeding mother's lose their baby weight faster.

The idea of breastfeeding still feels very strange to me, but it's so much better for the baby, I definitely want to do it. The fact that your body automatically produces the amount of milk, antibodies, and nutrients that your baby needs is just so amazing. God had some really intricate blueprints when he was creating us!

06 December 2010

Getting Ahead

So I didn't want to get behind in school by taking a semester off for Anna Marie, so I signed up for 3 online courses for next semester. Can you believe how awesome my teacher is? I explained to her that I was pregnant, and due in the middle of the semester. She sent me all the coursework and info so that I can be working ahead!

I already have my textbooks, so I started working on it. I got the first 5 chapters for two of the classes done in one afternoon. Such a relief to be ahead! Now when Anna Marie's born I'll have time to rest and recuperate before having to focus on schoolwork, and I won't get behind!

03 December 2010

3rd Trimester!

So as of today I'm 28 weeks, putting me officially in the home stretch! Just a couple more months until Anna Marie makes her appearance! We're getting so excited!

24 November 2010

Not a Lovely Day!

So I had a normal OBGYN appointment today, but we ended up having a brief scare. Anika came in to listen to the baby's heartbeat and it sounded really odd, which really scared me. However, when Dr. Wilson came in and listened, Anna had shifted and sounded normal. Dr. Wilson said she must have been laying on the cord.

Regardless, it scared me so bad. Every little thing terrifies me when it comes to my pregnancy!
I also tripped and fell earlier today, and even though Cory caught me, it was also very upsetting.

21 November 2010

Feeling Confined

So this weekend is a LARP weekend, and I really wanted to pop in and see everyone, but the camp's 45 minutes away, and Cory doesn't want me driving that far by myself...I really wish I could see everyone. I doubt I'll be going back after Anna Marie is born. Not only because I'll be so busy, but because we really just can't afford the $50 a month.

I really don't have much of a social life at all right now. I sit around the house or my parents house all the time. I'm too tired to do much and can't seem to bring myself to make social plans, because I know I'll probably end up being too tired to keep my commitments.

20 November 2010

It's My Birthday!

I am 19 years old today, and also 26 weeks pregnant!

I still get a few comments about being so young and already married and having a baby, but considering that I started college at 15, I think I'm just used to doing things early. Also considering that my adoptive mother was married with two children by 20, and my biological mother was married with 5 children by 23, I'm taking it slow.

I was given some birthday cash by Cory's family, and some things for the apartment by my mom. I put the cash aside for baby things. :]

18 November 2010

Crazy Drivers!

So I was making a left-hand turn to go to my parents' house (for baby showering decorating!) and a woman on her cell phone pulled out without looking. She came very close to hitting me on the driver's side. It left me very shaken and upset! You'll remember that the same thing happened in the harrowing music video Cory showed me last night, which was part of the topic of yesterday's blog post.

Being the amazing mother that she is, my mom knew I was upset the second I got to her house and wrapped me up in love and warmth. She's so good at calming me down.

I still can't get over how things can be so much more terrifying when you're pregnant!

17 November 2010

Quilt and Hormones Update

I finished sewing the front of Anna Marie's quilt. Mama's going to arrange to have it quilted for us, since she sold her quilting machine a couple years' back.

We did indeed use the extra pinwheel for a pillow!
Mama's so proud!

In other news...
Cory was watching a music video online earlier of Avenged Sevenfold's "Seize the Day", and I wasn't paying much attention until he told me to watch it. Right as I look up I see a very upset, very pregnant young woman get into her car and drive away from a building, and promptly get hit by a big rig.

I never would have believed how upsetting that would be for me during pregnancy! I burst out into tears and it was all Cory could do to calm me back down.

I'll be going to bed promptly!

16 November 2010

Childbirth Class 1

So, it was very informative, and also kind of awkward.
Most of the things we went over, such a general information on labor and delivery and relaxation techniques, I've already read on Baby Center, so it wasn't very new. Though we did get some interesting reading material that I was able to bring home for Cory to read, so he didn't feel entirely left out.

However, most of the women were their with their husbands, so I was really upset not having Cory there.

It did get awkward when we got to the second half, because it focuses on relaxation techniques and meditation, and the whole experience was just awkward. Everyone got on the floor and had to do stretches and then our coaches were supposed to rub us and stuff, and it was just weird!

Childbirth Classes Start Tonight!

Childbirth classes start this evening! I'm excited, but don't really know what to expect. Everyone talks about how informative they are, but I'm worried it's going to be incredibly awkward. Cory's working, so mama will be going  with me.

I'll post again this evening after the class.

14 November 2010

Fell Down

So have you met Wienie?
He's about 6 months old and was recently given to us by a friend. We've been looking for a home for him since we can't keep him, and neither could his owners.

However, he's very excitable, and doesn't know not to get under my feet. He tripped me earlier. I tried to catch myself and ended up side-ramming into the recliner. It wasn't hard, but it hurt, and I'm pretty sure I bumped Anna Marie.

I think it more scared me than anything, but my stomach still hurts a little. Cory heard the commotion and yelled at poor Wienie. He acted like he was going to punish him, but I reminded him that he didn't know what he was doing.

As sweet as he is though, I'll be glad when we find him another home. I can't handle our other pets, and a baby, and a frisky little dog!

12 November 2010

Quilt Update

So I have all the pinwheels sewn and cut today, next step will be to measure and cut the border pieces. Once that's done I'll be able to sew the quilt front. I'm getting very excited! I can't wait to see the finished product.

Some how I ended up with an extra pinwheel, so mama suggested I just add a border to it and make Anna Marie a matching pillow. Sounds like a fine idea to me!

10 November 2010

Self-Image During Pregnancy?

So I've always been overweight, and over the last year I finally started slimming down. Due partly to the fact that I'd been working out and going to the gym regularly, and because Avalon kept me so active. In addition, Allie bought me a corset as a present, and I wore it under my clothes and with certain outfits to help me try to form a figure.
Avalon March 2010

So right when I was starting to feel good about my body, I found out I was pregnant! Now I'm too tired to spend any sort of time on my hair or makeup, and I can't dye my hair. So I'm stuck with frizzy, mouse-brown hair, and a slowly expanding baby bump.

Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to have a baby bump! I love rubbing my precious bundle.

Everyone keeps telling me how beautiful I am pregnant, and that I have that pregnant glow, but I just feel frumpy and fat and unattractive!

Even Cory keeps telling me how sexy I am, but I just can't believe him. It doesn't help that we don't have much of an 'intimate' relationship right now.

09 November 2010

Feeding Gifts

So despite everything I got at my baby shower, I never received any bottles, or a breast pump. Well Marilyn called me to see if there was anything I still needed, and I was really embarrassed mentioning the breast pump, but Cory told me to get over it.
At any rate, not only did she buy me a breast pump, but she bought me a newborn gift set of the VentAire baby bottles! So now I've got all the basics for feeding Anna Marie!

Now we only need a few little things; pacifiers, crib sheets, first aid kit and baby medicine. I'd really like to have a glider and/or infant swing, but I'm glad I've got everything I do!

08 November 2010

Geeky Baby Things!

So someone on facebook shared a link to a site that has all sorts of geeky things on it, including kids toys, and I just had to explore. I ended up finding a whole bunch of things I adored!

Including these LOTR plushies!
I adore these little guys! I'd love to have a little hobbit plushie for her!

Another thing that warmed my heart with glee was this super cute Link costume:
As you can tell, I love Lord of the Rings, and Legend of Zelda, and these are both just so adorable!!

07 November 2010

Baby Shower

So today was the baby shower! We spent all morning getting the food ready - mama was worried we'd have tons leftover! We had pigs-in-a-blanket, meatballs, cheese ball, oreo pie, cake, crab dip, and spinach dip.

I think a total of 15-25 people came, and it was so much fun!

A crocheted hat, bonnet, sweater, and booties that my grandmother made for Anna Marie! They're so adorable!

A wall hanging mama made for me with clear inserts for pictures of the baby. We're planning on hanging it by the crib.

Cory caught the end of the shower after work. DeAnn just happened to snap this picture when he was giving his lil princess a peck on the head. At least, we think it was her head!

Mama and I just before we left. We were exhausted!!

Needless to say, I've had a long day, and can't wait to go to bed, Anna Marie and I wrapped in Cory's arms.

01 November 2010


So every time a frosted mini-wheats commercial comes on tv, I end up crying because all I can think is that they're so cute and cheerful...but they have no idea they're about to be eaten and die. It upsets me so bad!

What's worse is that I was playing the Sims 3 earlier, and got a little overwhelmed trying to care for 3 adult sims and 3 children all at the same time, and ended up having the kids taken away by foster care. And what did I do? Cried and cried and cried!

Cory can't believe I'm this emotional...I can't believe I'm this emotional...
I mean, everyone said the hormones hit you hard, but this is ridiculous!

28 October 2010

Diaper Issue Solved

So mama and I went to the Green Baby Diaper Co. to get some information on the different kinds of cloth diapers made these days, and I'm so glad we did! The woman that works there is so helpful! She went over prefolds, flat folds, all-in-ones, and everything in between. We asked her to show us the most economical solution, and she showed us the Flip brand diapers, and we agreed they're definitely what we want!

The inserts are nice and thick, and very absorbent. In addition, the diaper covers have snaps that make it fully adjustable; the baby can wear it from birth til poddy training! A set of 6 inserts and 2 covers is $50, and mama insisted we get 3, so it'll cost us $150 total, but we'll have all the diapers Anna Marie will need!

14 October 2010

Diaper Issue

So I was editing my registry on and realized I don't know much about diapers, except that they cost money! Cory's wasn't very keen on the idea of cloth diapers, but I think I've talked him into it. I did the math and from birth til their poddy trained, most children will go through over $2,000 worth of diapers!

I've been trying to find some information on cloth diapers, but there are so many different kinds made these days. Mama showed me how to fold a simple piece of cotton, so if nothing else I can get flat fold diapers (which are just thick squares of birdseye) and fold the diapers myself.

I've been asking around and I've heard good things about bumGenius and fuzzibunz, but they just seem so expensive. Of course they're cheaper than buying disposables, I'm just not sure I want to spend that much on them...

08 October 2010

Nursery Furniture

So we drove up to Lisbon and got the nursery furniture; it's so beautiful!
We got a changing table, 4-in-1 crib, table, and bookshelf that are all dark cherrywood, and they're gorgeous. Mama and put the crib together in the apartment. I wish I had a camera so I could take pictures. If I get one I'll come back and edit this post.

For $500 we got the nursery furniture, a high chair, infant car seat, stroller, a pack and play, and 4 or 5 boxes of clothes. Really great deal for that much!

I felt very self-sufficient putting the crib together by myself. Since Cory's working I'm kind of having to fly solo as far as baby prep goes, though mama's helping me.

Nursery furniture and other goodies!

05 October 2010

Pregnancy So Far

Pregnancy So Far:
At the beginning of my pregnancy, I was working 10-hour shifts at walgreens 4 days a week, and going to school full time. At first, I thought everything would go fine; I thought I was healthy and strong. But by 14 weeks, my doctor told me I just wasn't healthy enough to work and carry a baby. So I had to quit, which has been very hard on us financially, since my husband's a carpenter and the housing market is down right now. Luckily, our families have been very helpful and supportive.

Conditions that Affect My Pregnancy:
  • Heart Condition: I have POTS, a heart condition which, in my case, causes my body to think I'm dehydrated, even when I'm not. It causes a lot of palpitations and fainting spells for me. Luckily, pregnancy does not worsen this condition, and actually helps it (since you retain water), but my body did start having trouble coping with POTS and pregnancy while coping with my other problems.
  • PTSD: I was diagnosed with PTSD when I was 8. I've been to 6 psychiatrist to treat severe depression associated with this condition. Depression can seriously affect pregnancy, as your hormone levels can affect the baby, and your ability to care for yourself. As a victim of physical and sexual abuse, my doctor was also concerned that birth could possibly be a traumatizing experience.
  • Insomnia: I'm an insomniac and I'm not allowed to take ambien during my pregnancy. Since I've been pregnant I've gone up to 7 days without sleeping, only to crash and sleep all day for several days.
  • Allergic to Medication: I was allergic to my nausea medication! By mid-way into my second trimester, I was becoming underweight since I couldnt get any nutrients into my system. I couldn't even keep meal drinks down.
  • Placenta Previa: I am borderline previa, which means my placenta is on the edge of my cervix. Though not fullfledged previa, it is a cause for concern, and may require a c-section to keep from endangering the baby.

04 October 2010

It's a Girl!

We had our second ultrasound today, and I'm so ecstatic! It's a girl! It was so amusing; the ultrasound tech was showing us all the different parts, and Cory grinned and said, "I want to see some testicles!"

To which she replied? "Sorry dad, that's a girl!" A wave of terror just spread across his face, but then he started smiling. I think he's scared, but excited.

As beautiful as she looks, she also looks very alien! It's a little creepy!
19 weeks 2 days
We went to all the grandparents' houses and showed them the ultrasound pictures. Everyone's thrilled!

So it looks like Anna Marie Sullivan will be making her appearance in Feburary!

03 October 2010

Insurance Scare

I received a letter today saying at my Medicaid will be terminated this week! I'm 6 months pregnant, and I have 3 doctor's appointments this month!

I called my caseworker, who explained that the Medicaid I was on was for children, and because I'm about to turn 19 I'll no longer be eligible for it. With Cory out of work right now there's no way we can afford private health insurance. For now she's put me on pregnancy medicaid, so I'm set until Anna Marie's born, but what then?

02 October 2010


So the only real craving I've had so far is pepperoni pizza. Constantly! However, in the first trimester I was too sick to eat it. Now that I've got some of my appetite back, Cory's been feeding me pizza constantly. We've had it everyday this week! CiCi's, Domino's, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, and more Domino's after that. Now I'm finally sick of it, but Cory wants it for lunch tomorrow!

Now I really need some chocolate ice cream...

25 September 2010

Exciting News!

So, first of all, even though it's really odd not working...after 3 years of working full time, I've really been enjoying the extra rest. Except for classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don't do much. I just rest a lot.

Anyway, on to the exciting news. Cory and I kept discussing our living arrangements. We live with my father-in-law in a small trailer, and there's really not much space. Cory and I only have 150 sq. ft. to ourselves, and no room to expand for the baby's space.

We were hoping to have our own place before we had any kids, but that didn't work out as planned.

However, yesterday evening my parents broached the subject to us, and asked me if we would want to move into the room over the garage until we could get ourselves situated. They've even started getting estimates on turning it into a full size apartment. They're talking about adding a bathroom, kitchenette, and private stair on the side.

As much as Cory's attached to his home, he knows it would be much better for the baby, so we accepted their offer. We're so excited! I can't wait to get started, because I know it'll give me something to do while I'm waiting for our little princess to arrive! We'll be moving from 150 sq. ft. to 600!

16 September 2010


So, after spending almost a week agonizing with Cory and my parents, we finally decided that I'm going to have to quit working if I want to keep this baby. Cory's been working intermittently, and hopefully the housing market around here will pick back up so he'll have more steady work, but either way we don't want to risk the baby's health. My parents are helping us out as best they can until we get stabilized.

07 September 2010

Switching OBGYN

So Dr. McCarthy is on maternity leave (ironic, eh?) so I had an appointment with another doctor in the practice, Susan Wilson, during her absence.

Well, I'm very shocked. Dr. Wilson asked me what POTS was, which was in my chart but had no notes on it. I explained that it was a heart condition, and I told her as much as I know about it. She seemed concerned about it, even though Dr. McCarthy never showed any concern.

Well from there she mentioned that PTSD was also in my chart, but again didn't state a reason why. I explained about the sexual abuse from my childhood, and she was very concerned. She told me that many victims of sexual abuse have problems with labor and delivery simply because of the trauma of having people interact with their genitalia. I told her I really didn't think it'd be a problem.

Then I said something about the herpes, and she was very concerned because it was not in my chart. I told her Dr. McCarthy said it wasn't a problem, and Dr. Wilson said that unless I took preventive medication in my last few weeks, I could have a breakout, and that it could indeed complicate pregnancy. Passing herpes to the baby during delivery is lethal for the child.

So the POTS wasn't explained in my chart, the PTSD was missing, herpes was missing, and the fainting spells I've been having the last few weeks were missing, even though I discussed them with Dr. McCarthy.
Dr. Wilson asked me what kind of lifestyle I'm living right now. I told her I work a 10-hour shift four days a week, and two days a week I'm on campus for classes for 6 hours. Of course I've been going up to a week without sleeping since I'm no longer taking my ambien.

She finally told me that with all that, and my elevated blood pressure from the last couple of visits, that it was probably not in the baby's best interest for me to keep up that pace. I'm going to have to give up something.

20 August 2010

Not feeling too well

So I've been really exhausted, not just because of the pregnancy, but because I'm not getting any sleep. I think I'm on day 6 of not sleeping. I can't get my ambien prescription refilled until after the baby's born, so I just have to deal with not sleeping.

However, the lack of sleep combined with the POTS has got me having more and more faint spells. I'm planning on talking to Dr. McCarthy about it tomorrow, and see if we can figure something out!

16 August 2010

Poor Treatment!

So Cory went with me to Dr. Musselwhite's office, and we explained to him what happened at the ER yesterday. He was very upset! He did an exam and said he felt some abnormalities in my pelvis, and said he wanted an ultrasound done immediately. However, when they tried to find the number for Dr. McCarthy, they couldn't find her or the Brunswick Women's Center anywhere. I gave them the number out of my cell phone, and they tried to call 8 or 9 times, and couldn't get through.

Finally we said we'd just go over there, so he wrote a note and we went over there. We explained everything to the nurse, and they insisted they couldn't do an ultrasound. I was starting to get very upset at this point, so they got me into a room to see the doctor on call...whose name I've already forgotten. He was the first person so far to do an pelvic exam, he said it was probably a yeast infection and gave me a prescription.

I'm really not happy with the treatment I received today, but I suppose I have to deal with it.

15 August 2010

Results from ER

So we spent an hour in the waiting room at the ER, with my stomach and pelvic areas killing me the whole time. Then once we got back to the examining room we had 4 different nurses try to hear the baby's heartbeat, which they claimed they couldn't find because the baby was still so small at 12 weeks. They finally got it, and it sounded fine. They ran some tests, and then the doctor on call came in and asked me how I was feeling. He then proceeded to tell me it was completely normal and to take some tylenol and rest.

He gave me a dr's note for 3 days rest though, so I'll have a little time off from work... I'm not sure I'm happy with my treatment, but I have an appointment with my primary care doctor tomorrow so if I'm still hurting I'll mention it to him.

14 August 2010


So I've been having sharp pains all across my pelvic region most of the day - it started after I tried to move a pretty heavy box at work. I spent about 3 or 4 hours trying to tear and down and build a new display, which involved a lot of heavy lifting, and of course my manager didn't get anyone to help me.

I don't usually cry very much, but I've been crying most of the afternoon. Cory held me until I fell asleep, but the pains woke me back up. I'm calling out of work tomorrow so he can take me to the emergency room.

26 July 2010

First Ultrasound Today!

So I'm officially 9 weeks and 2 days today, and we had our first ultrasound!

Definitely a baby in there! Our little bean! We've already started calling it Gavin, since Cory wants a lil boy so bad.

Everyone in the family is convinced it's going to be a girl, but I'll be happy with whichever as long as it's healthy!

21 July 2010

Not Cool!

So before I got pregnant, I started going through my medical records, which my adoptive parents have kept in a binder for me along with all my court records. After reviewing family medical history, I found out that my biological father had gonorrhea and herpes. Which terrified me since I didn't know if either could be passed through genes, and I knew they could effect pregnancy. I had blood tests done at the time, and found out I had herpes. At the time I wasn't married yet, so for me that automatically means I was a virgin. Which was incredibly humiliating.

However, Cory never cared at all, so I didn't think about it again until I found out I was pregnant. I discussed it with Dr. McCarthy last week, and she said that I didn't need to worry about it - that it wouldn't affect my pregnancy at all! Surprised, but so relieved!

14 July 2010

First Dr's Appointment

So we had our first appointment today, and she used a vaginal ultrasound to make sure there was definitely a baby in there, which there was! They're doing preliminary tests and such to make sure I'm healthy and that this will progress normally.

I finally told my mom that I was pregnant - I was planning on waiting until my second trimester, but I'm just too excited. She's worried about our financial situation, but I'm working full time, and Cory should be back at work soon, so I told her we should be fine.

Ultrasound in a couple weeks! I can't wait to see my little bean! It was so amazing today to get to hear the heartbeat. Cory just looked like he couldn't believe it...and I thought I was going to cry. It was so beautiful!

28 June 2010


So Cory is too excited to keep it a secret from his family, so he already told them. His dad's excited, but his mom's skeptical. She said she won't believe it until we go to the doctor, which won't be for another 3 weeks!

It's really annoying having to wait, but we've been looking at developmental pictures and information on Baby Center to keep ourselves amused!

We're hoping the pregnancy will go well. We just found out Cory, who's a framer with a construction company, won't have any work for a few weeks. I work full time, and I feel pretty sure I should be able to throughout my pregnancy. My biological mother never had issues with pregnancy, so I hope I don't either. Until Cory's work gets steady I definitely don't want to have to worry about my own ability to work.

20 June 2010

Double Checking

So, being the extremely skeptical people we are, Cory and I bought two more pregnancy tests (thank the Lord for my walgreens employee discount).

And yes, they're both positive! I called this afternoon to schedule a doctor's appointment. Apparently, they don't need to see me for another few weeks, because three positive tests are good enough proof. I'm so excited though!

We're already talking about baby names. Of course when we first started courting, Cory mentioned he was dead set on Gavin Lee for his first-born son. I'm not sure where Gavin comes from, but Lee is for Cory's uncle Lee, who died from an allergic reaction to penicillin.

We've never discussed girl's names though...but since Cory's dead set on having a boy, I guess we won't worry about it we find out the gender, which apparently is between 15-20 weeks.

19 June 2010

I'm Pregnant!

So this morning I woke up sore and tired from a weekend of LARP in Triangle, VA with the Avalon VA chapter. Wes and Mike and I had driven 8 hours up to the VA chapter purely for the heck of it, and it was so worth it. Anyone that larps will understand what I mean.

However, after sword fighting all night, running through the woods, falling, jumping up, sleeping on a table in the tavern, and waking up dirty and sore and tired, I realized something. My period is about 2 days late. Now that doesn't sound like much, but I'm usually able to track my period perfectly, and its never late.

So I just knew I had to be pregnant. I called up Cory and told him "Happy Father's Day!" and of course his response was something along the lines of, "What? You're pregnant? Are you sure? What time are you coming home? Have you taken a test?" He was ecstatic, but disbelieving.

Needless to say, I told Wes and Mike, who were both encouraging, and spent the 8-hour drive home eagerly awaiting the chance to take a test. I took the test and little while ago, and it was a positive!