Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

19 June 2010

I'm Pregnant!

So this morning I woke up sore and tired from a weekend of LARP in Triangle, VA with the Avalon VA chapter. Wes and Mike and I had driven 8 hours up to the VA chapter purely for the heck of it, and it was so worth it. Anyone that larps will understand what I mean.

However, after sword fighting all night, running through the woods, falling, jumping up, sleeping on a table in the tavern, and waking up dirty and sore and tired, I realized something. My period is about 2 days late. Now that doesn't sound like much, but I'm usually able to track my period perfectly, and its never late.

So I just knew I had to be pregnant. I called up Cory and told him "Happy Father's Day!" and of course his response was something along the lines of, "What? You're pregnant? Are you sure? What time are you coming home? Have you taken a test?" He was ecstatic, but disbelieving.

Needless to say, I told Wes and Mike, who were both encouraging, and spent the 8-hour drive home eagerly awaiting the chance to take a test. I took the test and little while ago, and it was a positive!

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