Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

05 October 2010

Pregnancy So Far

Pregnancy So Far:
At the beginning of my pregnancy, I was working 10-hour shifts at walgreens 4 days a week, and going to school full time. At first, I thought everything would go fine; I thought I was healthy and strong. But by 14 weeks, my doctor told me I just wasn't healthy enough to work and carry a baby. So I had to quit, which has been very hard on us financially, since my husband's a carpenter and the housing market is down right now. Luckily, our families have been very helpful and supportive.

Conditions that Affect My Pregnancy:
  • Heart Condition: I have POTS, a heart condition which, in my case, causes my body to think I'm dehydrated, even when I'm not. It causes a lot of palpitations and fainting spells for me. Luckily, pregnancy does not worsen this condition, and actually helps it (since you retain water), but my body did start having trouble coping with POTS and pregnancy while coping with my other problems.
  • PTSD: I was diagnosed with PTSD when I was 8. I've been to 6 psychiatrist to treat severe depression associated with this condition. Depression can seriously affect pregnancy, as your hormone levels can affect the baby, and your ability to care for yourself. As a victim of physical and sexual abuse, my doctor was also concerned that birth could possibly be a traumatizing experience.
  • Insomnia: I'm an insomniac and I'm not allowed to take ambien during my pregnancy. Since I've been pregnant I've gone up to 7 days without sleeping, only to crash and sleep all day for several days.
  • Allergic to Medication: I was allergic to my nausea medication! By mid-way into my second trimester, I was becoming underweight since I couldnt get any nutrients into my system. I couldn't even keep meal drinks down.
  • Placenta Previa: I am borderline previa, which means my placenta is on the edge of my cervix. Though not fullfledged previa, it is a cause for concern, and may require a c-section to keep from endangering the baby.

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