Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

25 September 2010

Exciting News!

So, first of all, even though it's really odd not working...after 3 years of working full time, I've really been enjoying the extra rest. Except for classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don't do much. I just rest a lot.

Anyway, on to the exciting news. Cory and I kept discussing our living arrangements. We live with my father-in-law in a small trailer, and there's really not much space. Cory and I only have 150 sq. ft. to ourselves, and no room to expand for the baby's space.

We were hoping to have our own place before we had any kids, but that didn't work out as planned.

However, yesterday evening my parents broached the subject to us, and asked me if we would want to move into the room over the garage until we could get ourselves situated. They've even started getting estimates on turning it into a full size apartment. They're talking about adding a bathroom, kitchenette, and private stair on the side.

As much as Cory's attached to his home, he knows it would be much better for the baby, so we accepted their offer. We're so excited! I can't wait to get started, because I know it'll give me something to do while I'm waiting for our little princess to arrive! We'll be moving from 150 sq. ft. to 600!

16 September 2010


So, after spending almost a week agonizing with Cory and my parents, we finally decided that I'm going to have to quit working if I want to keep this baby. Cory's been working intermittently, and hopefully the housing market around here will pick back up so he'll have more steady work, but either way we don't want to risk the baby's health. My parents are helping us out as best they can until we get stabilized.

07 September 2010

Switching OBGYN

So Dr. McCarthy is on maternity leave (ironic, eh?) so I had an appointment with another doctor in the practice, Susan Wilson, during her absence.

Well, I'm very shocked. Dr. Wilson asked me what POTS was, which was in my chart but had no notes on it. I explained that it was a heart condition, and I told her as much as I know about it. She seemed concerned about it, even though Dr. McCarthy never showed any concern.

Well from there she mentioned that PTSD was also in my chart, but again didn't state a reason why. I explained about the sexual abuse from my childhood, and she was very concerned. She told me that many victims of sexual abuse have problems with labor and delivery simply because of the trauma of having people interact with their genitalia. I told her I really didn't think it'd be a problem.

Then I said something about the herpes, and she was very concerned because it was not in my chart. I told her Dr. McCarthy said it wasn't a problem, and Dr. Wilson said that unless I took preventive medication in my last few weeks, I could have a breakout, and that it could indeed complicate pregnancy. Passing herpes to the baby during delivery is lethal for the child.

So the POTS wasn't explained in my chart, the PTSD was missing, herpes was missing, and the fainting spells I've been having the last few weeks were missing, even though I discussed them with Dr. McCarthy.
Dr. Wilson asked me what kind of lifestyle I'm living right now. I told her I work a 10-hour shift four days a week, and two days a week I'm on campus for classes for 6 hours. Of course I've been going up to a week without sleeping since I'm no longer taking my ambien.

She finally told me that with all that, and my elevated blood pressure from the last couple of visits, that it was probably not in the baby's best interest for me to keep up that pace. I'm going to have to give up something.